Saturday, June 30, 2012

My backdoor garden

Well well well ... an actual blog page. Can my heart stand the excitement?

I know, snarky right off the bat. Oh well - if you are "snark" or "sarcasm" intolerant then perhaps this is not the place for you. However if you can hand seeing the odd inside workings of a modern day miser with an odd slant on life then sit down and read on.

I will probably be posting a lot of things in the next day or so just to transfer some of my writings to this forum - although a lot of my reference information will continue to be housed on my site at:

But for the moment let's talk about the critters I live with - the four footed monsters who seem to think I live here only to serve their every whim..... hmmmm - perhaps I do.

But moving on .....

I live in a townhouse without a REAL garden - which is a lamentation you will hear from me often. However on my portion of the back deck that runs the entire inner perimeter of the townhouse complex I do have an area for some planters. Which I take full advantage of ....

This is the view looking towards my kitchen door on the left - I have a small bistro set where I can eat dinner or just enjoy the coolness of the evening - there is a deep overhang a story up not seen that protects this corner from most rain showers.

Here you can better see my thriving tomato plants, in the foreground is a planter of sweet peppers.

I also grow cat-mint or catnip - which is in the hanging basket in the middle of the picture. I am sure the reason for growing it in a hanging basket is obvious ... not that MY cats would ever have a substance issue with the wacky weed ..*smirks*

As with some of my house plants, such as a coleus, I know that pinching off the flower buds and spikes will promote bushier growth in the plant instead of letting it get too leggy. So being a good little container gardener I do that ....

Yep ... ONLY the health of the plant prompts me to do this maintainance ... after all .. what other reason could there be? Could these buds be of another use besides compost? I wonder ...... do you think any of the cats would be interested in them ....

I had to laugh when I saw the first picture .. David is actually licking his lip in anticipation! They are all quiet now ... vegging out on various pieces of furniture at the moment. Ah, I am such a cheap date - just let me watch my cats get stoned and I'm entertained.