In March 2010 I adopted a stray cat that I had been feeding for the last couple of winters - that complete story can be found here: David d'Khat
I really love David. He has become a complete love bug and I know he realizes I took him in and gave him a warm safe place to live.
A couple of weeks ago I had to take him in for some oral surgery. I had noticed that he seemed to be having problems eating - and even trying to look at his teeth seemed to cause him discomfort. The vet verified that he was having issues with his teeth. The two broken in half canines he had left from his years on the street had cracked further and his gums were infected - the teeth needed to come out. Otherwise the infection would get worse and gum infections can cause sepsis and death faster than people thinks.
So even though I am still not employed full time I had little choice but to pay for his surgery. And while he was out I had them neuter him as well.
David did great through the surgery and recovered quickly. Within a week he was back to his old self - even "nibbling" on me when I was not petting him enough.
So on Tuesday I had to take him back for his Post-Op check up. I had him wearing his harness but had put him in his cage as well for the trip there. Once at the vet's I took him out of the cage and he did great on the harness and leash alone.
Carrying him out towards the car things were still going well as I unlocked the car. However just as I went to put him into the vehicle the UPS truck next to us started his engine. This spooked David who went into mad contortions and before I could really react he had managed to twist himself almost inside out and slipped of his body harness...went under the car .. and was gone.
I just freaked out. I had no idea which direction he went off in. Did he cross the street? Did he head back towards the freeway? ..... No idea.
For an hour I called his name and did my best to look under and behind all the plantings and bushes surrounding the vet's building as well as the apartment buildings behind them.
I went back at 3:30 pm, 8:30 pm and midnight. Then twice the next day. Sometimes twice a day since. In other people's yards, back yards, expanding the perimeter sometimes.
Still nothing.
The first afternoon I talked to the vet and sent them a picture of David. I also contacted all the local rescue groups, animal control offices, humane societies etc I could find. Giving them a description and e-mail a picture when I could. I posted on FaceBook - my page, a local lost pet site, other cat sites and even CraigsList.
Still, as of this evening ... Nothing. No sightings, no information, no calls, no response to my calling him or even tapping of a spoon against a cat food tin. Which is usually the universal sound for an indoor kitty.
I am trying not to just wallow in guilt and "what ifs?" I know I have done what I can. I even have groups of people praying to St. Francis that we find him and get him home safely.
But it is still hard.
I miss him.
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