Like many who grew up in the 1970s I was required to take several courses in Home Economics from 5th through 12th grades. I actually liked those classes for the most part. Maybe due to having learned how to cook at home from my mother and grandfather, and doing handwork such as crocheting, knitting and embroidery - so I was comfortable working with needle and thread.
This basic understanding of fabrics, how to read a pattern and being basically frugal enough to want to update and repair clothing rather than throwing it out, has been a good beginning base in the making of my own garb for SCA events and my persona.
The first over tunic I made was done sometime after 2001 for a market style event with classes that I attended somewhere near Medford (This is the best recollection I have as I have no paperwork from that event). I do remember seeing a wider variety of personas there than I do currently. Unfortunately the only picture I have of myself at that event is so blurry as to be unusable.
I had no pattern to work off of - just images from a book so this was all done free hand. This was worn at a Halloween event at work. I made the golden trim from left over material I had from another project.
At this time - 2015 - I had sewn two Regency style gowns with corset for use while volunteering at Gore Place in Waltham, MA as a tour guide.
These were also part of a work Halloween event - ignore the hair... I was going for a wild look and it got out of hand!