Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Skirting the Issue

Yes I know. A really bad play on words. I would apologize except that I rather like bad puns. 

So there.

 Besides, when was the last time YOU went shopping for a skirt? Just a simple skirt. Not something slit to "there" or so short you are afraid to raise your arm for fear of revealing to the world the color of your panties. Something not made of leather or an odd itchy polyester. Not beachwear or club wear with spangles. And something with a waistband. And pockets would be good. And just to make things much more challenging how about making it from mostly cotton or wool?

Honestly, Indiana Jones had an easier time finding the Ark than I do when shopping for skirts.

See, I don't wear pants. Not that I have any sort of religious or political objection to pants. I just don't find most of them comfortable or flattering. In fact I believe I own only four pairs:

  1. Jeans bought to go horseback riding with because they would not allow skirts.
  2. Red linen slacks that "might" get worn once a year to work.
  3. Sweat pants that actually are too small right now.
  4. Denim like cotton flared pants purchased to wear in Florida last September.
On the other hand I probably own at LEAST 40 skirts - likely more. I haven't counted them in a while. I tend to hold onto my skirts for years. Partly because I favor solid colors in simple lines and as they are usually so hard to find I take good care of them so I don't have to try and hunt down new ones. The last time I was in a mainstream store hunting for some new skirts to wear to work I felt as though the clerks looked at me as if I had sprouted a second head when I asked where the skirts were. One even scratched his head and said "Do we even CARRY any skirts?"


The last couple of days I have been paying close attention to how the other women in my office are dressed. Everyone, well almost everyone, dresses what I would consider quite appropriate for a conservative workplace. Keeping in mind the parent company is European and they don't "Do" Casual Fridays or jeans. But out of the at least 100 women I have run across in the halls or cafeteria - only TWO were wearing a skirt or dress.

TWO !!!!

Now, this may get me labeled as incredibly old-fashioned and out of touch, but when did skirts go "out of fashion" as workplace attire? Did I miss a memo? Or a report on MSNBC? Is it because most women don't like how their legs look in the winter so they wear pants then - which has the added benefit of not needing to shave quite so often. Or is it more than just a seasonal trend and they still avoid skirts once the weather is warmer? Of course unlike many other women I know I still wear panty hose as well. I know, I know - pin that Old Fashioned tag on me now and get it over with.

Has anyone else noticed a real reduction in the number of women they see wearing skirts? And what are your reasons for wearing them - or not.


  1. Personal response? In the winter I almost exclusively wear slacks, pants, jeans to work. For the insulating properties of having clothing the same shape as my body. I don't have to worry about a draft up my pants (and the walk to my office is a WIND TUNNEL). I can wear thermal underwear and tuck my pants into snow boots to get to and from my car. Pantyhose... when my legs are longer than pantyhose is made (and don't tell me to get Queen sizes; just because the waistband is bigger doesn't mean they suddenly stretch up to my crotch), I cannot justify wasting the money to rip my daily pair of hose trying to keep them from falling down around my knees all day long.

    In the summer, I rarely wear pants to the office, unless there is a function that would be difficult in a skirt (like rowing on the Charles). Dresses and skirts all the way.

    My colleagues tend to dress similarly. In the summer more like 85% wear skirts or dresses on a regular basis, and in the winter I'm guessing more like <10% wear a dress.


    1. HA HA .... Ruth, I knew you would be my season skirt wearer. And I think your office may be unique - but we will see if this new office of mine also sees a change when the weather warms up.

  2. Hi~ thanks for visiting my blog--- I hope you'll post your DaGMT progress as the month rolls along!

    I'm a jeans and t-girl who only wears skirts and dresses for dress up time. I'm a homeschooling SAHM and I even wear my jeans to church. (Occasionally I get a comment concerning my attire but I just let 'em cluck. I'm happy to be me and I believe God is just happy I'm there!) Oh--but in my head and fabric closet I have dozens of skirts and dresses just waiting. Waiting for warm weather, waiting for me to lose weight, waiting until I finish other projects... The list goes on.

    Nice to meet you! (I'm originally from Burlington/Dorchester, BTW!)

    1. Hi Meg! I am originally from Watertown though we moved every 2-3 years until I was in High School because of dad's military then job requirements.

      I also think God is glad we are there and less concerned than the person next to us what we wore to come and visit Him!

      I can relate to the waiting "until" syndrome. This is something I am in the process of giving up - not just for Lent but for good.

      Looking forward to seeing your UFO progress as well.
