Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My contradictory relationship with bugs

Bugs are everywhere! I suppose it is a good thing that we are normally unaware of just how many bugs we live with on a daily basis, otherwise I for one would be too freaked out to ever sleep or walk outside my home.

Bugs make up more than half of all living things in the world. Today there are more than a million known species of bugs and there are many more waiting to be discovered. Scientists estimate that at any given time there are up to 40 MILLION insects in an area the size of a football field.

We as humans have decided that some bugs get to be classified as "beneficial", especially those that are pollinators or prey on less desirable species. These include bees, ladybugs, mantis and lacewings. 

It also includes spiders. Shudders. I have very strong feelings about arachnids. Very VERY strong feelings - most of them not all that positive. Though I think we have come to an agreement.

In my garden I understand and can even appreciate the benefits of spiders - preying upon and eliminating some of the more annoying other insects like mosquitoes, ants and flies. I have even come to terms with those that occasionally want to set up their webs outside my kitchen window. I realize that for them it is a good strategic move as the light from inside attracts flying insects into their webs. 
Big spider on the RIGHT side of the window ... OUTSIDE !

However if any insect ENTERS my home then all bets are off - full scale warfare will ensue. And I am not ashamed to boast that in the end I always win.

For the last couple of years there has been an issue with ants. These are not the tiny "sugar ants" that I remember my grandmother having to deal with - no, these are large black ants that crunch loudly when you step on them. For the past several years I have transitioned all the food storage in my pantry to either glass or heavy plastic containers. Finding you have to dispose of several pounds of brown sugars and cereal because of invasion is not something I want to go through again.

I have complained to the Association about these buggers. Because these insects have NOTHING to do with the cleanliness of my kitchen - these are Carpenter Ants. They are feeding on wet and rotting wood of the structure - most likely the sheeting of the unit side facing the main street. We have had problems there before. Additionally, workers have found significant wood damage from ants in all the trim boards. I have placed industrial strength insecticides into any nest openings when I can find them. I was assured that they would have a professional spray done this year - but not sure if/when that was done.

So until I get an answer or resolution back from the Association I guess I am fighting this particular battle by myself. Good thing my Arsenal is stocked. I just DARE any critter to cross this line of death ........

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