Sunday, August 1, 2021

August 01, 2021 - Angst

 I have noticed over the last several months that there is a growing list of things that I am finding either irritating, perplexing or just causing me angst.

And I have wanted to air these issues and feelings but of course, being me, felt I needed to do it in a more organized manner than just dumping them randomly on social media. And so the idea of Aggravating August popped into my little brain.


So – first Angst …..


I know that this is occurring for a lot of people to various degrees – that feeling that you just cannot get out of your own way. I have a list of things that NEED to be done, and another list of things that I really WANT to do. And yet for months now I feel as if I just cannot summon the energy, focus or impetus to actually DO any of them.


Part of it is a physical feeling of lethargy and weakness, along with an emotional and intellectual weariness that makes it feel as if I just am not going to be able to get anything done that day. Or any day.


None of this is helped of course by the screwy-ness of my sleep schedule – which is to say there is very little of the “schedule” about it. Perhaps this exercise of writing down these things that annoy me will actually help by getting them out of my head, therefore freeing up that space for focusing on other things.




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